Our Parishes
St. Bartholomew, St. Bernard,
Church of the Assumption, St. Clare, St. Vivian
Our Vision Statement
Our Lady of Divine Providence, a vibrant Catholic faith community,
is centered in the Eucharist, led by the Holy Spirit, and dedicated to proclaiming and living the Gospel values of Jesus Christ.
Children’s Ministry
Our Catholic faith programs for Grades K-8
Young Adult Ministry
A ministry for 18-35 year-olds
Adult Ministry
Adult faith formation ministries to initiate community and spiritual growth.
Youth Ministry
An exciting ministry for grades 7-12
“The parish is a beacon that radiates the light of the faith and thus responds to the deepest and truest desires of the human heart, giving meaning and hope to the lives of individuals and families.”
Family News and Events
Sign up to cook a family-sized meal for Fr. Haft while he recovers from surgery.
Fr. Haft Meal Train
All meals should be dropped off at the St. Bartholomew Parish Office between 8:30 am-4:30 pm (9375 Winton Rd, 45231).
Fr. Haft's dietary needs are: mostly organic non-GMO foods, low carbohydrate, and no meat on Fridays. My food dislikes are pretty straight forward: no raw oysters, anchovies or reptiles. Please no desserts or spicy foods.
Questions or help with sign ups can be directed to Danielle at the St. Bartholomew Parish Office (513-522-3680).
Adult Trivia Night - Register Now!
Saturday, February 1 at 7:00 pm
St. Vivian Filippine Center (Gym)
All ages 21+ are invited to enjoy a night of pizza, drinks, and trivia for FREE! Event is BYOB. Register your team here. Questions can be directed to St. Vivian Parish Office (513-728-4331).
The Titles of Mary Speaker Event
Tuesday, February 11 at 7:00 pm
Church of the Assumption
Guest speaker Fr. Rob Jack of Sacred Heart Radio will offer a presentation called The Titles of Mary. Fr. Jack has produced hundreds of thousands of catechetical CDs through his apostolate, Delivering the Faith, and has made and given away tens of thousands of rosaries and produces prayer cards to help people grow in their faith. His motto for spreading the faith is “If you want someone to do something, put it in their hands!”
Northern Kentucky Bus Pilgrimage
Tickets and more details to come. Contact St. Bartholomew Parish Office with questions (513-522-3680).