Mass and Worship Times
Mass, Adoration, and Confession
8:30AM St. Clare (does not satisfy Sunday obligation)
3:00PM Assumption and St. Vivian
5:00PM St. Bartholomew
SUNDAY8:30AM St. Clare
9:30AM Assumption, St. Bernard, and St. Vivian
10:30AM St. Clare
11:15AM St. Bartholomew
MONDAY8:00AM St. Bartholomew
8:30AM Assumption
TUESDAY8:00AM St. Bartholomew
8:30AM Assumption and St. Clare
12:00PM St. Bernard
THURSDAY8:00AM St. Bernard and St. Vivian
8:30AM St. Clare
FRIDAY8:00AM St. Vivian
8:30AM St. Clare -
Tuesdays after Mass from 8:30AM until 4:45PM Benediction
ST. VIVIANFirst Thursday of each month after Mass from 8:30AM until 8:00PM Benediction
2:15-2:45PM Assumption
2:15-2:45PM St. Vivian
4:15-4:45PM St. Bartholomew
SUNDAY9:00-9:20AM St. Bernard
Other dates & times available by appointment at all parishes in our family. Call your Parish Office to schedule.
Holy Week Worship
7:00PM Assumption, St. Bernard, St. Vivian
12:00PM Assumption, St. Bartholomew
2:00PM St. Clare
3:00PM St. Vivian (Stations of the Cross only)
7:00PM St. Bernard, St. Clare, St. Vivian -
8:45PM St. Bartholomew, St. Bernard, St. Clare
8:30AM St. Clare
9:00AM St. Bartholomew
9:30AM Assumption, St. Bernard, St. Vivian
10:30AM St. Clare
11:15AM St. Bartholomew