Our New D.R.E. - Donna Booker

This spring and summer have been times of significant changes in the staffs of our parishes and in the newly forming common staff of the Our Lady of Divine Providence family of parishes.

Most recently, there has been a major change in our Religious Education staffing. With the departure of Julie Zinser and Claire Tenhundfeld, who served at St. Bart, St. Vivian and Assumption in the area of religious formation of children and adults, I have asked Donna Booker, who up until now has served only at St. Clare Parish in the areas of faith formation and stewardship formation of adults and directed their Parish School of Religion, to be the DRE (Director of Religious Education/Formation) of our entire family of parishes. She will direct the Parish School of Religion for all six parishes (the class sessions will be held in the Undercroft of St. Clare Church). She will also direct the sacramental preparation programs for First Communion and First Penance for children in all six parishes. She will also continue to provide adult faith formation programs which are open to the entire parish family (Sandy Hornbach, Deacon Gerry Flamm and Sr. Caritas will continue their adult education programs as they see fit). Donna will also run the RCIA for St. Clare and Assumption parishes (for now, Sr. Margie will run the RCIA for St. Bernard and Mother of Christ and Sandy Hornbach will continue to run the RCIA for St. Bart & St. Vivian). Please pray for Donna in this new and exciting role for our family of parishes. I thank you for your continued cooperation and patience as we continue to navigate this unification. May God bless you all.

~Fr. Umberg


Welcome Fr. Louis Anin!


Our New Director of Administration - Kathy Rothschild