Men’s Ministry

Draw Near to Christ
Life is entrusted to man as a treasure which must be used well
Exodus 90
Men, are you looking to break out of unhealthy and unholy habits? To achieve lasting freedom and peace? Exodus 90 is a 90 day adventure to prepare for Easter — a long and intense series of exercises to provide men with physical, spiritual, and mental toughness. Exodus 90 transforms men’s hearts, sets them free, gives them joy, and makes them better husbands and fathers.
For more information and to sign up contact Father Henry. Exodus 90 begins on January 20th. There will be a planning meeting for anyone interested January 14 at 7:00 P.M. at St. Bartholomew’s Parish Office.
Men's Faith Connection
This group is led by men from the Family of Parishes. By discussing current Catholic readings, they develop meaningful friendships and deeper faith. All men 18 and older are encouraged to join and come as often as they are able.
Contact John Ceddia at 513-772-8018. -
St. Bernard Men's Group
Men meet twice monthly on the second and fourth Wednesdays to share the power of faith in their lives. The time includes shared song, personal prayer intentions, shared responses to scriptures for an upcoming Sunday liturgy and discussions on experiences of God in their lives.
St. Clare Men's Group
Empowered by the Spirit, we help one another grow in the love of Christ by sharing life experiences.
Contact Mark Albert.

“If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.”
— Jesus (Matthew 16:24)