Fr. Haft Recovery Update

Greetings in the name of the Lord:

Here is an update on my recovery progress. The doctor is very pleased with the minimal swelling I have experienced. He credits this to following his instructions regarding significant elevation for the past two weeks.

On Monday January 27th, the stitches were removed and there is no sign of infection. I do have to do some home wound care for the next week and be seen again on Tuesday February 4th. There is a small area of the incision that has not completely healed up, thus the need for some home wound care.

The range of movement of the left great toe with the implant is okay, but needs more work. So, outpatient physical therapy begins Friday January 31st. I had already been doing self physical therapy, but it was not enough. I am now wearing a regular shoe on the left foot instead of the soft walking shoe.

Elevation is still critical in the recovery process. I can only be up for a short period of time and then elevate twice that period of time. If I wake up the next day with noticeable pain, then that means I was up too much and need to reduce the amount of time on my feet and elevate more.

I am very satisfied with my progress thus far. Thank you to everyone for the prayers, care and concern. Thank you for the meal train. The food is amazing.

Have a blessed day.

Yours in Christ:
Fr Haft


A Note on Human Trafficking


3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time