3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Greetings in the name of the Lord:

This week we celebrate Catholic Schools Week. We thank the Lord for our principals, teachers, support staff, parents, students, volunteers and benefactors who make Catholic Education possible. The theme this year is “United in Faith and Community.” Our Catholic Schools’ main purpose is to hand on faith in Jesus Christ to the next generation. Catholic Schools are a place where future saints are formed, and are integral to a parish community. Certainly we have seen new models of Catholic Schools develop over the past couple of decades. Yet, our Catholic Schools, our families, and in fact all of us find our source and summit in the Sunday gathering of the worshipping community for the celebration of the Eucharist. Sunday worship is the most important act we engage in every week. As we celebrate Catholic Schools Week, let us all remember that what sets our schools apart from all others is that we begin with the community coming together for the Sunday Eucharist.

Yours in Christ:
Fr. Haft


Fr. Haft Recovery Update


2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time